December 2013

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Two Albums For Your Stocking

Katy Perry Prism Katy Perry‘s fourth studio album, Prism, is also her first since her break up with British star, Russell Brand. This is the follow up to 2010’s Teenage Dream, a record breaker with…

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Journalism Students Visit the Newseum

On November 22, students from Northern’s newspaper and broadcasting classes visited the Newseum in Washingtoincludingsuch as a piece of the Berlin Wall and a “death tower” that guarded the West Side of the wall. The…

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Review: Two New Supernatural Shows

Sleepy Hollow With witchcraft, drama, action, history, and romance, Fox’s new show Sleepy Hollow has something for everyone. Writers Alex Kurtman, Roberto Orci, and Phillip Iscove masterfully weave together all of these elements into an…

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Band Boosters Hold Holiday Craft Fair

Northern’s annual Holiday Craft Fair was held Saturday, November 23. The NHS Band Boosters, run by the dedicated parents of the school’s band members, held the event as a fundraiser. School clubs and vendors from…

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Angel Tree Brings Gifts For Children In Need

As the holidays rapidly approach, it’s important to not forget about the less fortunate families in our community. The Angel Tree Project has been a tradition at Northern for over 20 years. As an effort…

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